


Verizon Up App

concept & design, new york

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Verizon's outdated and disjoint loyalty program didn't match its position as America's largest wireless provider. To maintain the loyalty of its 100 million subscribers, Verizon sought to introduce a completely refreshed app where they could say "thanks" in an entirely new way.

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Verizon Up was introduced to fully replace, and simplify, the existing loyalty program. For each $300 spent, each subscriber would receive one credit, equal to one reward. The monthly-rotating rewards range from Apple Music or Amazon vouchers to experiences such as concerts or major sporting events. 

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Following the launch of Verizon Up, subscriber enrollment spiked and continues to grow. By offering uniquely tailored rewards, customer retention and overall satisfaction is up. With its industry-leading loyalty program, Verizon is best positioned to remain America's largest wireless provider.

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